Wholehearted, unconditional understanding, respect and a hand to hold


  • Advanced directives are legally binding papers that assign someone to make decisions on your behalf when you're unable to do so, and they offer guidance to your healthcare providers. Expressing your desires and values in advance, before a crisis arises, can spare you and your loved ones unnecessary suffering. I recommend that all adults prepare these documents and revisit them after significant life events or health changes. By doing this, you provide your loved ones with the opportunity to respect your wishes and values by honoring them.

    I can assist you in selecting a healthcare representative who will effectively represent your desires and values. Together, we will utilize a values-centered approach that involves exploring your preferences using practical scenarios and recommendations from experts in medicine and patient advocacy. Our discussions will cover various topics, including life-sustaining treatments, palliative care, dementia, organ donation, alternative therapies, DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders, VSED (Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking), and pain management. I will equip you with resources and tools to facilitate these vital conversations with your healthcare providers and loved ones. These discussions can take place in person, over the phone, or via email.

  • I collaborate with individuals and their support network to develop and implement a comprehensive and adaptable plan based on your values, available resources, and evolving circumstances. By getting your affairs in order, you can prioritize what truly matters to you during your remaining days. We will strategize and prepare for anticipated situations while allowing room for the unknown and sacred. I will assist you with the following tasks:

    Completing or updating advance directives.

    Engaging in a life review or legacy project.

    Arranging for disposition and funeral plans. I will provide information about various options, such as home funerals and natural burials, and guide you through navigating the funeral industry and legal requirements.

    Identifying and coordinating additional support and resources.

    Planning for ongoing communication and support with your circle of care.

  • Memorial projects hold great significance at the end of life. These projects can be created by you or for your loved ones. I will help you design and complete a meaningful gift that will endure in the world after your passing. Options include letters, ethical wills, celebration-of-life events, formal oral history interviews, digital archives, playlists, and memory books. Envision these experiences and mementos offering comfort and inspiration to your loved ones and future generations.

  • During the final stages of the dying process, I collaborate closely with hospice and medical care professionals in your area. I assist you in developing a plan and remain available to guide and support your circle of care. This is a challenging and sacred time, and it is essential that we all receive the information and support necessary to navigate it in a peaceful and supported environment.

  • I assist loved ones in obtaining the time they need with their recently deceased. This after-death care may involve providing guidance on preparing the body, completing legal paperwork, and creating a space for gathering and saying farewell. I offer information to ensure the implementation of safe and lawful procedures in accordance with state regulations and local resources. Our focus is on minimal, non-invasive, and environmentally friendly care of the body.

    I help families organize rituals that hold personal meaning for both them and the departed. Additionally, I facilitate memorial services to honor the deceased, as desired by the family and loved ones.

    Please note that all services provided are non-medical.

    I can also assist you in selecting a licensed funeral director who will cater to your specific requirements.

No coming, no going. No after, no before. I hold you close. I release you to be free. Because I am in you, And you are in me

No coming, no going. No after, no before. I hold you close. I release you to be free. Because I am in you, And you are in me

“No coming, no going. No after, no before. I hold you close. I release you to be free. Because I am in you, And you are in me.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh

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